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Silver Challenge 2023

The Silver Challenge is part of the National Silver Day and will be held in the 'Hoge Vierschaar' in Schoonhoven (underneath the town hall).

The theme for 2023 is CHANGE.

An exhibition that is definitely worth a visit.

DOUBLEOP entry - Pauline Barendse

Title; 'The House of Cards' This object to wear, in the form of cards, symbolizes climate change, the many wildfires and the experience we have had in Colorado ourselves. One of the biggest fires destroyed our friends' houses. A dream that collapsed like a house of cards both literally and figuratively... Helping with the firefighting and cleaning up, we found many inspiring patterns. These were caused by the fire on the metal roofs and their deformation. While working we photographed it and I incorporated it into this wearable object; 'The house of cards'. Material; silver, anodized aluminum, aluminum with photo transfer

You can see the story in words and images in this video:< /a>


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